international medical society designed to advance patient outcomes

$30M Revenue

Company Overview

The client (the “College”) is an international medical society designed to advance patient outcomes through innovative respiratory medicine education, clinical research and team-based care.  The society is a not-for-profit corporation with more than 18,500 members representing over 100 countries.

Engagement Overview

The College began to incur operating losses while constructing a new $24 million corporate office facility and beginning implementation of a systemwide IT upgrade requiring a mid-seven figure investment.  

The new corporate office facility was 100% financed while the IT upgrade was partially financed.  

Fort Dearborn was retained to review management’s operating plan with the goal of improving profitability.  Our work included:

–Interviewing all senior management and certain members of the Board of Regents;

–Assessing corporate governance procedures;

–Analyzing revenue sources and identifying where the College could increase fees;

–Performing detailed analyses of all expense categories and identifying several areas for expense reduction, resulting in increased profitability; 

–Evaluating the organizational and reporting structure and recommending changes that improved communications and decision making; and

–Analyzing sources and uses of cash related to the construction and financing of the new corporate office.


Fort Dearborn identified over $3.0 million in profit improvements in the form of increased revenue initiatives and expense reductions.

FDP also recommended elimination of non-strategic programs, reduction of the number of board meetings from 6 to 4, and elimination of certain committees.

After reviewing the organizational structure, FDP proposed several changes to enhance decision making throughout the College.

FDP News

Jan - 25

FDP Advises Northern Wholesale Supply

Fort Dearborn Partners ("FDP" or "Fort Dearborn") is pleased to announce that we served as the sole financial advisor and investment banker to Northern... Read More

Oct - 23

Max Bechtel and Austin Curtis join Fort Dearborn Partners

Please join us in welcoming the newest members of the Fort Dearborn Team, Max Bechtel and Austin Curtis.

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