Sell-Side Advisory

Fort Dearborn has served as a financial advisor in the sale of middle-market companies across a broad range of industries. We work primarily with entrepreneurs and family-owned businesses to assist in the ownership transition, a decision that for many of them represents the culmination of their life's work. Often, this is the first transaction the company has undertaken, and FDP understands the personal toll and stresses this can have on the owners and management team.  We work diligently to guide the owners and management team through the stressful and complex process. For each engagement, we create customized sales materials and buyer outreach efforts to help deliver maximum value to shareholders, while addressing the unique concerns of the sellers.

Highlighted Engagements

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to

Advisor on Sale to