Company Overview
The Company is a multi-division auto, agriculture and machine parts manufacturer and national tire reclamation and recycling company located in the Midwest.
The Roller division is a machine shop that manufactures specialized rubber rollers and OEM parts for agricultural equipment manufactures such as John Deere and Case New Holland.
Engagement Overview
After enjoying modest growth, the Roller division’s revenues declined due to the economy.
The parent company had recently sold the Company’s real estate and building and were looking to sell the division, as well, to create additional liquidity to further pay down corporate debt.
In addition to bringing investment banking skills to the process, FDP’s operating expertise was invaluable, particularly during the buyer due diligence process.
During due diligence, FDP worked through numerous complex issues relating to asset valuations, as well as the challenges of relocating the Company shortly after closing.
Despite Roller’s modest size and recent financial performance, FDP hosted 7 management presentations and received multiple offers.
The selected buyer paid full price for the Company because of its attraction to the Company’s blue-chip customer base, OEM parts manufacturing expertise and potential consolidation savings.